Friday, December 14, 2007

Here Comes Ajumma

I watch AZN Television when I have time. AZN Television is a broadcasting station that targets Asian American people. This is channel #84 in Northampton area. It broadcasts Korean, Chinese, and Japanese movies, dramas, music, and news etc. I usually watch Korean news (it starts at 5pm). Right before the news, it broadcasts Korean morning drama called “Here Comes Ajumma(=married woman)” for 30 minutes. This drama is about the life of Ajumma whose name is Na Oh Nim, betrayed by her husband. She has made and sold Kim-bob in market place to make money for her family. Her husband did not make any money, he just studied. After 10 years of marriage, he betrayed his wife because there’s another woman who had betrayed him once. He loves this woman very much. She is a former TV announcer. She is pretty, smart and successful woman. Na Oh Nim, compare to her, did not get any education, and she is typical ajumma who devotes everything for her family, not for herself. After her husband’s betraying, she challenges for “queen of cook” and she gets fame. This drama was showed in Korea morning time, when only ajummas could stay home and watch. It was rated very high compare to other morning dramas because it depicts a woman’s life that a woman ignored her wills because of her life is focused on her family becomes successful. I think this drama gives dejected ajummas a hope and satisfies them indirectly. I like this drama because it does not focus on “Cinderellaized” which is not very realistic, but it is more focused on successful in realistic way. I think this is good drama for making oneself more cheerup and for a break from the stressed life. Channel 84, M-F 4:30 pm, watch it if you want some break or interested ^^

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